Wednesday, March 5, 2008

McCain = religious nutjob?

First he is buddy-buddy with Jerry Falwell, now this:

Ugh... ugh.


Pope said...

In 2000, McCain was against this kind of religious nonsense. What happened? I mean, John Hagee... OMG, that guy is a known religious fundamentalist, whack-job and hate-filled bigot. McCain I am SO disappointed in you. I give you the sad face :-(

Anonymous said...

Crap. Crap. Crap. Good job McCain. I guess everyone loosens their morals when they run for elected office, but this is another example of how McCain is rapidly shedding pretty much every nugget of integrity he had mustered over the years. This is exactly one of the reasons I will not vote for Clinton. While I agree with most of her policies, she was far to aggressive against Iran and voted to give Bush the powers to prosecute a bullshit war. I don't know that she is at core that hawkish, and it seems (and I have heard many people argue) that she felt she needed to take a hawkish stand if she were going to win the sen ate seat in New York. I understand political strategizing, but when you sell your values for votes it disgusts me. McCain is doing just that. He has said many times he dislikes the religious right and is scared of the power they hold over the party, but he knows he can't win the election without them so now its all Hallelujah and "praise white God"; Bibles for all, abortions for none; God hates the gays and faith will lead us to victory in Iraq. For fuck's sake John! I thought you were a noncomformist, a rogue....but are the same pandering crap-whore as everyone else.

Beck said...

Now, you both know that I despise religious zealotry as much as anyone else here, and the profound ignorance of the fundamentalist Christian right. Especially a fat waste of human flesh like John Hagee. But it's a LOT safer for Obama to reject the endorsement of someone like Farrakhan than it is for McCain to reject a figure head that could alienate 40% (the dumbass part) of your constituency.

It's a sad, cold, political fact. And while I am disappointed that McCain didn't reject the endorsement, I know why precisely why he can't. A religious nut job? Please, guys, you know better. Pander Whore? Unfortunately, yes. That is the first bullet point on the resume of any presidential candidate's resume.

And let's not be hypocrites here: Obama has been throwing red meat to the blue collar workers of his constituency, too, shitting all over NAFTA up one side and down the other, promising change, hope, hope for change, and the changing nature of hope, etc... And all the while, he has no intention what-so-ever of doing a damned thing with it. His campaign called the memo a "distortion of the truth"... which usually means "yeah, it's pretty much true, but you're making it sound really bad".

Jim Carrey: "I object, your honor!"

Judge: "On what grounds?"

Jim Carrey: "On the grounds that the witness's testimony is devastating to my case!"

So if we're all going to grab the pitch forks over the prospect that the available candidates are going to be Pander Whores, then really, we should stop bullshitting ourselves now, and recognize the fact that we should disavow Clinton, Obama, and McCain, and write in someone else.

I suggest Bruce Campbell.

Anonymous said...

Done and done! I am not on the Obama bandwagon at all, I would just rather see him take the presidency than any other candidate still running. I guess what really bothers me about McCain, though, is that he has really done 180. All candidates make claims they have no intention of supporting, but I don't see Obama's pandering to blue collar workers as quite the same--he is still at base still harping on the change issue and how politicians like Clinton forgot about the working man. Still, I understand it is dishonest pandering. McCain, though...seems like a HUGE ethical backslide. Again, I understand why. But he cannot claim he is independent or in anyway different than any other Republican now. Goodbye integrity. I knew ye but briefly.

Beck said...

I know, believe me, it bothers me too. I really, really, really wish the political realities were different, and that he didn't have to stand on that podium beside Hagee. I'm not really sure the democratic party has a similar conundrum... maybe being shackled to detrimental minority special interest programs, but even that is not quite the same.

But this issue illustrates why I can't be a Republican. I'm (mostly) conservative, but can't stand the fact that religious fundamentalists have hijacked a major platform in the party, and push a social agenda that flies in the face of what "Conservatism" stands for.

I know who McCain is, where he comes from, and what he wants to do. And if McCain has to grin and bear it until November, I can too, I suppose.

I wish I didn't have to. But I have to remember that I'm not so much voting for the party as I'm voting for the man.

Pope said...

I agree with Reed's last statement, except I am not ready to just completely say "no" to Obama yet. Last time I voted Nader because the choices were horrible. I am going to wait for a while before I denounce Obama and vote Nader (or Campbell). I still feel individually proud of not voting for the lesser of two evils but as a whole I think we would have been better off without 4 more years of the worst presidency in my lifetime... perhaps the worst since Andrew Jackson. McCain is sounding more and more like W every day. I do not want 4 more years of a Republican messing up everything good about this nation or appointing any more idiot right-leaning judges! Sorry, I am not ready to "throw my vote away" yet this election. But McCain, McCain is definitely NOT getting my vote.

Anonymous said...

Should McCain renounce Bush's endorsement? After all, he has criticized him constantly...although recently it seems he has been more supportive of the Iraq Occupation.