Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell endorses Obama

Saying the Democratic nominee could "not only electrify our country but electrify our world," Colin Powell crossed party lines this morning and announced his support for Barack Obama.

Powell made his announcement on "Meet the Press." He said he had no plans to campaign for Obama.

Offering an extended rationale before making his preference known, the former Secretary of State said he had only come to his decision in recent weeks in what he called the campaign's "final exam."

Powell praised Obama as a "transformational figure" who he has gotten to know in the past two years

But Powell made plain that his decision to back the Democrat was as much motivated by what he saw from McCain and the GOP as anything Obama had said or done, using much of his explanation to express unhappiness about the campaign of a man he's known for 25 years.

Powell, who last year gave the Arizona senator's campaign the maximum $2,300, criticized McCain's response to the economic crisis

"Almost every day he had a different approach to the problems we were having," Powell observed.

The former Army general and moderate Republican also repeatedly expressed concern about the GOP's "rightward shift," using the selection of Sarah Palin for vice president as an example.

Palin, Powell said flatly, is not qualifed because she's not ready to be president -- the primary role of the vice president .

Powell, a native son of New York City, also knocked one of Palin's signature lines. "Not just small towns have values," he said.

He also took issue with the GOP campaign's decision to focus on 60s-era radical Bill Ayers.

"Sen. McCain says he’ s a washed-up old terrorist then why does he keep talking about him?" Powell asked, calling the use of Ayers "demagougery

McCain, appearing on Fox News Sunday, sought to minimize the endorsement by noting his support from other former Secretaries of State and retired military flag officers.

"This doesn’t come as a surprise," McCain said. "But I'm also very pleased to have the endorsement of four former Secretaries of State...and I'm proud to have the endorsement of well over 200 retired generals and admirals. I respect and continue to respect and admire Secretary Powell."


Wow. There was speculations for a couple of weeks, but it still comes as a surprise.


Beck said...

Well, for my part, I'm not entirely surprised. As an African American who himself has opened so many doors for people of color, pursuing an exemplary career in the U.S. Army at a time when civil rights protesters were still being hosed and beaten on the streets, I could not for a moment blame Powell for going with his gut and endorsing Obama at such a momentous time in our history. Not that his being an African American is the only variable in the equation, mind you. Certainly not. I don't think it's any secret that Powell has "issues" with the current administration, and the direction of the GOP in general.

I consider Powell a member of my pantheon of personal heroes. I've revered the guy since 7th grade and the first Gulf War, as a matter of fact. He is the consummate blend of soldier and statesman; truly a remarkable, thoughtful, honest, and well measured man.

I become nauseated every time I think about how he was sent to the U.N. to make the case for WMDs in Iraq. His good name and reputation were used as currency for such an ill-conceived and disastrous venture, it just makes me want to shit angrily into someone's mouth!

Anyway, in my eyes, Powell's endorsement is no small thing, and it gives me a lot to think about. I and other moderate conservatives respect Powell a great deal, and I'm quite curious to see how this plays out in private conversation within the conservative scene.

Anonymous said...

"I become nauseated every time I think about how he was sent to the U.N. to make the case for WMDs in Iraq. His good name and reputation were used as currency for such an ill-conceived and disastrous venture, it just makes me want to shit angrily into someone's mouth!"

I concur wholeheartedly--I believe that Powell is a stand up guy if there ever were one. The Bush admin's abuse of him during his tenure was nothing short of a slap in the face (or maybe more a devastating kick to the crotch) and sad example of how a man of integrity can be so easily laid low by sleazy political moves.

And Beck, I think the steaming pile you want to lay would be directed to the mouth of one Richard Cheney. Bush may wear a shit-eating in grin, but Cheney is the fecal machine behind the man.