Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Elizabeth Dole Can Kiss My Ass!

Ok, I accept negative campaigning, it's a part of democracy apparently. But come the Hell on. I mean, conservatives this year are getting way out of line. The number of near violent incidents that have occurred at Palin-McCain rallies, the Ashley Todd incident (you know, that woman who claimed she was attacked by an Obama supporter), calling Obama a Muslim-Terrorist-Black Radical-Marxist-Elitist (I don't think you can even be all those things), and now this crap. People, seriously. Face it. The Republicans fucked the pooch over the last 8 years. Bush has beaten the party to within an inch of its life. So I understand that it is hard to win on the issues. It's hard to say, "we'll do things a little different than Bush, but not too much." It's hard to say "we collectively have no new ideas because half the part wants to keep going with Bush policies and the other half wants out completely. " But for Fucks sake. You can't (or at least shouldn't) resort to this kind of lowball politics. I thought Libby Dole was a worthless senator before, now I just think she is an awful human being.

In my view this is just telling of how few ideas and how little the Republican have to offer the country right now. Oh, and if you can't win with issues or smears, I guess you can just try to disenfranchise people. Look at the GOP's attempt to purge voter role's in Ohio. And in Virginia the distribution of flyers claiming that the state assembly had decided to have Democrats vote on November 5th and Republicans on the 4th due (no evidence it was from the VA GOP, though). Ughh...can we get this over with. I shutter think at what will happen next.

1 comment:

Beck said...

Hey now, let's be fair: Hagen sucks ass too, and her ads have been no less retarded. Though I must admit, the whole "godless" angle even made *me* groan (and gut-laugh) when I heard it. The whole Dole vs. Hagen race has been a kind of grotesque caricature of American smear politics. It's just hilarious how ridiculously bad its been, and I have no intent what so ever of supporting either of these crazy women. After all, from what I've gathered from their commercials, Dole eats babies, and Hagen puts kittens in the microwave for fun. Both activities reflect poorly on their character...