Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Please wait, your request is processed... Jon Stewart Hits Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris On Sarah Palin Hypocrisy

Wednesday night on "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart hit Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly with damning evidence of their hypocrisy regarding Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

While Rove recently praised Palin's experience as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Stewart showed video of Rove trashing Virginia Governor — and former Richmond Mayor — Tim Kaine's executive experience, listing all the cities that are bigger than Richmond and calling such a pick "political."

Then, after recent video of O'Reilly describing Bristol Palin's pregnancy as a family issue, Stewart showed a clip of the Fox News host blaming Jamie Lynn Spears' parents for her teenage pregnancy.

Finally, after showing video of Dick Morris complaining about the rampant sexism in the media coverage of Sarah Palin, Stewart unveiled a clip of Morris saying that Hillary hides behind the sexism defense, and that anytime "the big boys" pick on Hillary, "she retreats behind the apron strings."

"In Dick Morris' defense," Stewart said, "he is a lying sack of sh*t."


From: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/04/jon-stewart-hits-karl-rov_n_123852.html

I wonder if Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, and Dick Morris see any hypocrisy in their conflicting statements? I would bet not since all too often they act as thought the ends justify the means.


Anonymous said...

Indeed, he is a lying sack of shit! The conservatives pundits jumped all over Hillary every chance they got, and now that their candidate is a woman they are pulling the "Liberal media" is sexist card. People, listen: there is a ton of sexism in this campaign. Both sides are guilty of it, so don't come off like your woman is being treated worse. And the media, liberal or otherwise, has made a huge deal out of Palin, and jumped on her like a horny dogs on a new visitor's leg, but (and not to defend ANY of the sexist commentary) when an obscure politician as the candidate for the #2 spot you should expect that the media will pounce. And if she has no notable record, what is the 24 news supposed to cover? Should they comment on her hot school marm glasses, her hairstyle (though they have), and conclude by saying it seems like she has a nice personality?

Pope said...

I think I both pissed a little from laughing and vomited a little from disgust.

Great clip!

Beck said...

I'm with you Pope... The mirth factor strangely intermingles with disgust and shame. I like McCain and Palin and all, but don't look to me to defend these douche bags. They can suck it.

Anonymous said...

Beck, while we disagree on McCain, I can see why you as a Goldwater conservative would support him. But Palin. Isn't she everything you don't like about the new Republicans? She is a religious conservative and her agenda seeks to restrict personal liberties, in part by interjecting religion into politics.

McCain hated that tripe up until about 8 months ago, and I thought that was why you liked him--bucking the extremist social conservatives and all of that. What happened?

It seems that way for lots of McCain supporters. It's like being a sports fan loyal to the losing home team and taking pride that their team is not involved with the steroid abuse that skyrocketed other teams to the finals, but then picking up that hot new rookie everyone knows is a juicer. Sure, you were down on the other teams that allowed that shit to go on and thought you were morally superior (and rightly so) but then chose to turn a blind eye once your rookie got you to the play offs.

But I guess when it comes down to it in any arena people win at any cost, and sacrificing morals is a common strategy (and one certainly not unique to this campaign or party).