Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh Rudy....

Ok, this was funny as crap. Rudy Giuliani is a douche. In all honesty, this was one of the things that really pissed me off about several speeches at the RNC. Why mock the fact that Obama was a community organizer? Do Republican not value community service and grassroots organizing? I understand that it is not executive experience, but it is certainly relevant political exeprience. I would also argue that being mayor of a town of 6000 is barely exectuve experience. That would be like saying Andy Griffith is qualified to run the war in Iraq because he has security experience. But I digress. At core I really just find Rudy's jab at community organizing insulting, and it shows a fundamental lack of respect for exactly the kind of political participation (regardless of ideology or issue) that should underlie US democracy.

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