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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting
on what to have for lunch. Liberty is
a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
- Ben Franklin
Well, it just goes to show that discussions over who is the most (or least) elitist and who is most like the people that vote for them is all retarded.
But parts of this piece bug me. Sadly, the thing about charging uninsured more than insured patients is just the way the business works, and one of the reasons it should be reformed. Michelle Obama certainly can't change the way the hospital (let alone the health care industry) is run. And salaries are decided by boards of directors generally, so it is not entirely fair to blame that on her. That said, it is still problematic as is the fact that Obama is raking it in to the tune of millions yet all the while preaching about social justice and hope. So this goes back to original statement that all of the candidates are retardly wealthy and far, far from in the same category as the "common man".
All the same, the choices are between a really old and really white and really rich guy who isn't even criticizing the system, a really rich and really white woman who, while not as critical, at least has a record of trying to fix the system, and a moderately rich black guy with no voting record who is making a ton of promises that no one knows if he will follow through on. So, I guess with McCain you at least know what he will do about health care and structural inequalities in the system: nothing. With Hillary, you will get some nominally progressive changes with some certainty given her past record in office and work as the first lady. With Obama you have lots of promises to balance everything out a little and reform the system, but may not get anything; no one knows.
I guess I am willing to gamble "on hope."...sort of. And if it weren't for Hillary's foreign policy, I would probably be backing her...or at least would back her if she won the nomination. As it is, I might defect to the Mike Gravel for Libertarian camp just for comedic value...or if the Workers, Socialist, or Green parties field candidates here (not likely), I might back them.
The easiest way to avoid everything these videos are talking about is to have nationalized health care for all Americans. Which, if that is what he is supporting, is a great idea!
The health care issue hits really close to home for me. I was very very sick several years ago. So sick that I was in and out of hospitals and emergency rooms almost non stop. The sad thing is I HAD insurance and the bills still ate me alive. I am still working to finish paying them off. It shouldn't be that way.
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