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So far so good, on both rhetoric and actions. Could the steps be bolder? I would like to say yes, but so far in his executive orders from Gitmo to the environment, I think he is doing everything he can in a realistic sense. If the administration can keep this up, they just might be able to begin to steer this nation back on course as a leader in the world and being on the forefront of important issues. USA! USA! USA! :-)
1 comment:
Here here! But say it softly, otherwise Beck will think you are being to critical of the conservatives. ;]
But seriously, I am thus far really impressed. Could be better on the economy. And to be honest, I would rather see money going to infrastructure and social programs (e.g., job re-training and unemployment benefits) than to tax breaks and such, but I understand the short term need. But reversing the global gag rule, attempting to close Gitmo, reviving the EPA, banning enhanced interrogation, and closing overseas CIA prisons is all 100% in line with his campaign promises. Keep it up baby.
But I am still waiting on that indictment against Cheney. I mean, the former admin might not be guilty of murder per se, but how about wrongful death? A civil suit with compensation to the families of dead soldiers and to injured soldiers. That sounds fair. And come one, Dick and W can spare the cash. They made a bijilion on the war....
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