Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Get 'em Denny!

Wow. Wow. Where was that during the primaries? Now that's the type of progressive spirit I am talking about. Denny, we love you!


Beck said...

*blink blink*

Bobble headedness aside, this was just lame. Can't afford another Republican administration? Really? Considering how the democrats are *just* as responsible for handing American political direction to special interests and large corporations as anyone else, that's just pathetic. Remind me again, over the past 50 years, which party has had the *most* control over the senate and house of representatives again? The dems are just as responsible as anyone else for these monumental fuckups. Dems *AND* Republicans. To stand in front of a national audience and thump a podium, asserting that the Democratic Party is the cure for these woes is just retarded. Just more national convention bluster and hot air. Lame.

Anonymous said...

Aha hahaha. Magic sprite of progressiveness, speak thee the gospel!

True, the democrats are not a solution and are part and parcel of the same group that has caused the problems we experience today. But, and this is a HUGE BUT, the current regime has f-ed up in a huge way that is almost unparalleled in the history of the country (close run with Andrew Jackson though). And given the John McCain has been 93% in line with its policies (in terms of voting record), I think that the gospel truth herein is that the country needs a change in the party running the country.

Not that McCain doesn't have some merits, I admit as much. But he is not the political maverick he poses as. And he is certainly not as far from Bush's policies as he wants people to think. Most of his policies are pretty similar, and that seems to have lead us down a dark alley to a steaming pile of dog shit and misery.

So why would anyone looking at their current declining economic situation (let alone the declining position of the US in world opinion), and the fact that McCain is calling for most of the same things, think that backing McCain was in their best interest? If you are rich ($5 mil a year or more by McCain's guess), then sure, vote for McCain. But if you are part of the 99% of the country that makes substantially less than that, why would you want to keep on the same path.

So...maybe this is why I back(ed) the magic sprite of progressive politics located at the far fringe of the democratic party. If he represented the party platform we might not be in the world of deplorable crap we find ourselves.

And seriously, rich is $5 million dollars a year? Is middle class $1 million to $5 million? $500,000 to $5 million? That is a potential leader that seems far out of touch with the rest of the country. So I guess I prefer the magic sprite and his party. Bobble-headedness aside, at least he and his party have some perspective on the economic reality of the country.

Pope said...

John McCain has merits? Interesting... what are they? j/k mostly.

Great speech Denny. I am with you 100%.

And Beck is right that both parties are to blame for a lot of screw-ups, but the most enormous ones recently have been at the hands of a deceitful, manipulative, pro-oil, pro-wealthy, anti-labor, incompotent executive branch. The Bush legacy is going to go down in history as one of the worst presidencies ever, behind maybe Jackson and if W is lucky Nixon.