Thursday, June 7, 2007

Chris Dodd writes the Pope

Dear (my name),

America doesn't start wars - we end them.

We don't turn away from the world - we lead it.

And we don't commit torture - we condemn it.

All of this was true until the current administration, and we shouldn't wait until we elect a new President before we stand up to the mistakes made by this one.

There is no doubt that we live in dangerous times and that America has real enemies, but the actions of this Administration have made us more vulnerable as nation, not less.

That is why I intend to do everything within my power to bring a bill I introduced earlier this year, the "Restoring the Constitution Act," to a vote in the United States Senate.

But today I need your help. Watch my video discussing the bill and upload your own explaining why you believe America is most secure when we draw strength from our highest ideals, not our worst fears.

During last weekend's debate, I was asked what a top priority for the Dodd Administration would be during my first 100 days in office. My answer was clear, "I would try to restore the Constitutional rights in this country" and I wouldn't need one hundred days to do it.

Indeed, we must restore habeas corpus, but to regain our moral standing in the world requires more than that alone.

That is why the "Restoring the Constitution Act" would also prevent the use of evidence in court gained through the unreliable and immoral practices of torture and coercion, limit the authority of the President to interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions and make that authority subject to congressional and judicial oversight, and narrow the definition of unlawful enemy combatant to individuals who directly participate in a zone of active combat against the United States, and individuals who participated in attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.

Watch the video explaining the "Restoring the Constitution Act," upload your own, and sign on as a citizen co-sponsor.

In removing habeas corpus protections, the Military Commissions Act affirmed vengeance as a tool in fighting terrorism – discarding sixty years of precedent and respect for the rule of law.

The subjugation of habeas and the use of torture make us weaker as a nation, not stronger. It's time we stand up and say once and for all that the choice between vengeance and security is a false choice – that American leadership ought to draw strength from not our worst fears but our highest ideals.

Please take a moment to learn about the "Restoring the Constitution Act" and get involved in its passage.

Justice Jackson said of the Nuremberg Trials, "To pass these defendants a poisoned chalice is to put it to our own lips as well."

If we fail to rise to this moment, I fear we will be drinking from that chalice for many years to come. In the end, by restoring our fundamental principles we serve not only the interest of justice, but also the long term interests of the United States.

Chris Dodd

I like what Dodd has to say here. It's a good thing he is trying to do. Oh course that has nothing to do with my questions, but I thought I would share it anyway.

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