Sam Brownback
Campaign Site
No. I am almost completely opposed to everything Brownback stands for: opposition to abortion, embryonic stem cell research, backed President Bush’s tax cuts, so on... He has drawn some more attention to Darfur, which is good. But his positives are so small and his negatives so big. Never would I vote for him.
Jim Gilmore
Campaign Site
Again, no. Gilmore's speech is decidedly "anti-liberal", he seems divisive and scary. I am in opposition on many of the same issues that I was in opposition to Brownback on. Nope, wouldn't vote for him either.
Rudy Giuliani
Campaign Site
On a few social issues he seems reasonable, but his rhetoric frightens me. Aside from his hate-mongering speech, I differ from him on most issue from taxes to Iraq. Sorry Rudy, couldn't vote for you either.
Mike Huckabee
Campaign Site
I like his pro-humanitarian roles, but not his "culture warrior" mindset. Most issues he and I do not agree on. Another no for my vote.
Duncan Hunter
Campaign Site
I respect him for completely laying out his beliefs and policy ideas in a straight forward way on his website. Simple and easy to understand. And again I don't agree with 95% of them. Another no vote from me.
John McCain
Campaign Site
I like John McCain as a person, he seems thoughtful and reasonable. I disagree with him on a lot of issue, including Iraq. But I do agree with him on some issues too, like the right to human dignity for prisoners and reforming the rules for special interest groups and lobbyists. The republican could do a lot worse than McCain, but he is still not in step with where I want the country to go exactly.
Ron Paul
Campaign Site
Paul is in step with a few of my beliefs, property rights and eminent domain issues and on privacy rights. We differ on foreign policy and taxes. Perhaps one of the best candidates along with McCain the Repubs have, but I would have to know more before even considering him for my vote.
Mitt Romney
Campaign Site
Some issues Romney has the right idea on. Supporting technological growth in the US and some of his ideas on immigration reform or worth listening too. I would put him in the McCain category too, he appeals to me a lot more than the other candidates.
Tom Tancredo
Campaign Site
Everytime I read something good from Tancredo, I read 2 things that are bad. *sigh* For instance, I am with him on being pro-stem cell reserch, but not with him on gay rights and abortion. Sorry guys, as of right now, nope and nope for my vote.
Tommy Thompson
Campaign Site
I don't know what to think of this guy. But from what I have read, a quick "no" I think says it all for me. Guess I'll see in the Republican Debate this Thursday.